
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Oh, and by the way...

Big breaking news from Ferentz's press conference today.  No Mika'il McCall and no Jordan Canzeri on the road at Nebraska this weekend.  McCall violated a team rule, and Canzeri still hasn't been able to practice.  Here's what Ferentz had to say on McCall:

Mikail McCall
Q. Can you elaborate on McCall?
 FERENTZ: He won't be with us. Violated team policy.
Q. Was it something after Purdue, after the game?
COACH FERENTZ: I think the fact he's not going this week, it's probably safe to assume that, yeah, something I learned afterwards, so...
Q. Just a one-week deal with him?
COACH FERENTZ: Haven't made that decision yet. We'll just take it a week at a time right now. I'm just trying to get through Friday. That's where I'm at.

That means Jason White and De'Andre Johnson will take over the #2 and #3 spots on the depth chart at RB.  A scary thought for Hawk fans at two levels: you don't have an explosive "change of pace" back, and you're looking at having to rely on one of those two guys if Coker goes down.

Iowa's overcome injuries and adversity at the RB spot before (remember when Coker was thrust into the spotlight last year?), but it makes you nervous thinking that such a pivotal part of Iowa's offense in one injury away from a big time question mark.

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