
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

RB Marcus Coker granted release from Iowa

It's happened Hawk fans, what we hoped couldn't be true.

Marcus Coker has asked for his release from Iowa - and it's been granted.  From the University:

IOWA CITY, IOWA - - The University of Iowa announced today that sophomore running back Marcus Coker has withdrawn his application to enroll in spring semester classes.  Coker also asked for a release from his football scholarship and that request has been granted. 

Bye Bye Coker

So for those keeping track, that's two running backs this year, two last year, one the year before, and you have to go all the way back to Shonn Greene before you find a back that lasted an entire season.  Add in DJK, and you've got some MAJOR questions starting to surface. 
Remember those guys - Adam Robinson, Jewell Hampton, Brandon Wegher, Marcus Coker, and Mi'Kail McCall that used to carry the rock at Iowa?  Yeah, they're all gone now, and it's time for Kirk Ferentz to answer one simple question: Why? 
By all accounts, Marcus Coker was a "good kid."  So what went wrong?  I'll buy one bad apple, but five? 
Sorry Kirk- no more free passes, no more dodging questions, no more hiding behind the podium.  It's time for some real matter what they may be.

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