
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A few of my favorite things

New blog, new audience- figured it might be nice to throw out a few of my favorite things and see what sticks.

MLB Team: Atlanta Braves
No real surprise here (to anyone that knows me at least).  Just to get it out of the way- no, I've never lived in Atlanta, the south, or anywhere near the state of Georgia.  I grew up as a kid watching the Braves on TBS with my dad.  He couldn't really stand the Cubs, and that was the only other regular option. 

My first memory of the Bravos was the 1991 World Series against the Twins that featured so many acrobatic plays, wall leaps, and excitement.  I was hooked from an early age.  Too bad I was only 10 years old in 1995 when they won the series.  I think they are on the right track to get back to the show, but it might be a few years. 

NHL Team: Pittsburgh Penguins
I never really considered hockey to be much of a sport until after the strike a few years ago, but when the NHL came back they gained at least one fan.  The rule changes helped make the sport more exciting, and spelt the end of 0-0 ties and 1-0 wins that were like watching a junior high soccer game. 

Why the Pens?  Simple- Sidney Crosby is the man.  He came along at the right time, and managed to be the savior for a sport that really needed the help.  Plus, the rivalry against Ovechkin and the Caps is one of the most underrated in sports.

More favorite things coming later- thanks for tuning in.        

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