
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Larry Fitzgerald to KC? Why it makes sense.

Had Nick Athan from Warpaint Illustrated on the show today, and he brought up an interesting possibility: Could Larry Fitzgerald actually end up in Kansas City?

The answer appears to be yes, and Nick thinks it could happen as soon as trades become permissible in the new post-lockout NFL.

As opposed to putting Fitzgerald along side Dwayne Bowe, Nick threw out the idea of having Bowe be a part of the package and go to Arizona.  The likely package would be Bowe plus a second or third round pick in the 2011 or 2012 draft.  Not a horrible option for one of the best WR in the game.

When you think about it, including Bowe in the deal makes sense.  Despite the fact you are giving up a great young talent in Bowe, he's nowhere near (and never will be) the talent you get with Fitzgerald.  On top of that, it's well documented that Todd Haley and Scott Pioli don't like to put up with the type of BS that Bowe has brought to the table on occasion.

The bottom line is the Cheifs need a go-to receiver.  Bowe filled those shoes nicely last year, but there's no one in the league that would take him over Fitzgerald.  The combo of Bowe-Fitzgerald along with Dexter McCluster in the slot would be deadly, but if you have to give up Bowe to make the swap happen, the deal still makes sense.

The Chiefs should look to draft a decent WR in the middle rounds of this year's draft, and pull the trigger to bring the pro-bowler to KC.

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