
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Coker, McCall, Fielder, and more

As we head into bowl season, here are a few hot topics we've touched on this week. 

Marcus Coker suspended for Insight Bowl
Nobody seems to know exactly what happened (except those closely involved), and as per the usual, no official answers will ever come from the Hawkeye mafia.  I've heard everything from theft, to assault, to cheating, to taking candy from a baby. 

Whatever Coker did, a feel safe in making a few educated guesses - first, the suspension didn't come from Ferentz.  All of his comments point to the University powers that be making this call.  Second, it sure sounds like it won't be a long term deal.  On his call-in show last night, Ferentz did say that he won't make the trip and they'll have more "next semester."  It makes me think academic, but I'm not sure it fits in this case. 

Everyone I've talked to has said Coker is a good kid, so I have no reason to think the least not yet.  All we know for sure is he's out for this game, and hasn't been removed from the program.

Mika'il McCall's future at Iowa looks grim
A source in Iowa City told me that it would be "surprising" if McCall ever suited up for the Hawkeyes again.  Unlike Coker, the buzz around McCall has not been positive.  When asked about McCall last night on his call in show, Ferentz was quick to respond with, "...he won't be making the trip." 

We know McCall hasn't been practicing, and was suspended after one carry (and one fumble) in the game against Purdue.  Based on everything that's out there and my gut feeling, I'd say McCall will forever live as a one-quarter wonder in a Hawkeye uniform.

Matt Barkley coming back to USC
Not surprising, but I'm glad to see the kid decide he likes playing college football enough to wait another year before heading to the NFL.  The rookie pay scale in the league no doubt takes some of the risk out of the decision, but still, good for Barkley.

Cubs set to blow up roster and rebuild
Our buddy David Kaplan of CSN Chicago floated this idea out there on the show yesterday, and it makes perfect sense.  The Sean Marshall deal is just a small portion of the equation - unload a costly veteran and pick up a cheap arm for the future in Travis Wood.  Cubs fans need to start thinking about this team two years from now.  Anyone that won't help you two years down the road isn't going to be a good fit. 

Unfortunately, that probably means no Prince Fielder on the North side.  Speaking of which...

Prince Fielder and his ten year deal
The days of ten year deals in MLB should be over.  It's too long.  I have no problem with a five year deal at $30 million per season in the right circumstance, but this is crazy.  In my opinion, any GM thinking of giving ten years is crazy and should be fired.

Happy Holidays everyone!

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