
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What's Up Wednesday? CP3 and more...

For this edition of "What's up Wednesday?," I'll take a quick look at some of the things I just don't get from the past week in sports, politics, and more.  Enjoy.

1. Chris Paul being held hostage by the NBA
So the NBA goes on strike for the better part of a year, nearly cancels their entire season, and now the owners are flexing their collective muscles trying to keep a struggling franchise from rebuilding?  WTF IS UP DAVID STERN?  I could see a problem if the Hornets were trying to trade Paul for JJ Barera and a second round pick, but this was a good deal for New Orleans.  They would have gotten two quality players from Houston, a great role player in Lamar Odom from the Lakers, and a first round pick in the deal.  That's almost a rebuilt starting lineup right there.  I'm not sure what the real story is, but my gut tells me the NBA's "small fish" (see: Dan Gilbert) don't want to let LA get any better than they already are.  You can bet the Lakers would have found a way to bring Dwight Howard into the fold, and another NBA "dream team" would have been born.  Only difference would be this one would be built to win - a scorer in Kobe, a distributor in Paul, and best big man in basketball underneath.

2. Cardinals fans being upset over the Pujols signing
Be happy you won't have to grotesquely overpay the man for five or six years down the road.  Is he a great player? question.  Is he the best fit in St. Louis?  I'm not as convinced.  You're already overpaying Matt Holiday, and would have been forced to go north of $200 million to land Pujols.  Pujols is on the decline - maybe it won't be for a few years, but on a ten year contract, you might get five or six quality seasons before age takes its toll. It opens the door to start a new era in St. Louis.

3. Rick Perry
I just don't get the guy.  Does he think the country is eager to elect another George W. Bush?  I get're from Texas, probably carry a gun, and for some reason can't remember what you want to do if elected.  Those three facts alone probably don't qualify you for the job.     


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